Morning workshop - Securing your business with Office 365

Date and time:                   10.00 am on Monday 26th June 2017
Venue:                                 Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading RG6 1WG


This is a morning workshop for IT practitioners and IT decision makers that want to get an in-depth understanding of the security capabilities available in Microsoft Office 365 and how they could be used to best effect to secure your business. Are you using what you already have? Are there any additional capabilities you need?
The session will be introduced by Paul Bolt, SMB Director at Microsoft, who has a lot of direct experience of both Microsoft and competitor solutions and gives a good perspective. The workshop content will be delivered by an Office 365 specialist from Microsoft, and will feature live demonstrations as well as the opportunity to ask questions specific to your environment.


9.30 – 10.00        Registration and coffee
10.00 – 10.15      Introduction to Office 365 and the market
                              Paul Bolt, SMB Director, Microsoft UK
10.15 – 10.30      The commercial model for Office 365 and security add-ons

                              Jon Milward, Director, Compete366

10.30 – 11.15      An overview of the security capabilities in the core O365 plans and available add-ons

                              James Marshall, Solution Specialist, Microsoft

11.15 - 11.30       Coffee break          

11.30 – 12.20      Demonstration of a number of security capabilities and how to use them

                              James Marshall, Solution Specialist, Microsoft

12.20 – 12.30      Summary and close

                               Jon Milward, Director, Compete366


To register for the workshop please complete and submit your details below: